Which top 5 car brands gained in 2015 (Malaysia)?

+1 vote
added Feb 8, 2016 in General by LC Marshal Captain (25,790 points)

1 Response

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responded Feb 11, 2016 by Help team Sergeant (1,880 points)

According to Carlist.my, the top 5 car brands in Malaysia gained in 2015 are as follows:

  1. Jaguar (gained 150.0% in 2015)
  2. Renault (gained 84.4% in 2015)
  3. Porsche (gained 62.5% in 2015)
  4. Mercedes-Benz (gained 54.7% in 2015)
  5. Subaru (gained 54.4% in 2015)

Reference: Carlist.my (2016) . 2015 New Car Sales In Malaysia – Which Brands Gained, And Which Lost . Available from < http://www.carlist.my/news/2015-new-car-sales-malaysia-which-brands-gained-and-which-lost/36692 > [11 Feb 2016]

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