jQuery .substr() method

0 votes
added Mar 30, 2018 in jQuery by anonymous
edited Apr 2, 2018 by LC Marshal

Get substring before specific character. In this example, we want to get '1345 albany street' text only from div.address-div before the comma 

<div class="address-div">1345 albany street, Bellevue WA 42344</div>


var addy = $('.address-div').text();
var streetaddress= addy.substr(0, addy.indexOf(',')); 

4 Responses

0 votes
responded Apr 26, 2018 by LC Marshal Captain (25,790 points)

First word selector in element

$('div.message').each(function() {
   var html = $(this).html();
   var word = html.substr(0, html.indexOf(" "));
   var rest = html.substr(html.indexOf(" "));
0 votes
responded May 2, 2018 by LC Marshal Captain (25,790 points)

Change URL by getting last part of URL and combined a few variables to get final URL

var catName = $('.forum-category > a'), 
    catUrl = $(location).attr('href'),
    urlParts = catUrl.split("/"),
    endUrl = urlParts[urlParts.length-2],
    forumPage = '/property-forum/',
    resultUrl = forumPage + endUrl;
    // alert(endUrl);

$(catName).attr('href', resultUrl);
0 votes
responded May 2, 2018 by LC Marshal Captain (25,790 points)
edited Sep 20, 2018 by LC Marshal

Get last-child of breadcrumb and use .trim to manipulate URL

var areaname = $('h1.page-header').text(),
    lookforstate = $('ol.breadcrumb li:last-child').text(),
    trimstate = lookforstate.split(","),
    resultstate  = trimstate [trimstate.length-1],
    getstate = $.trim(resultstate),
    w = "/map-search-property?&state=",
    x = "&district="; 
    result = w + getstate + x + areaname;

$('a#search-listing-area').attr('href', result);
0 votes
responded Jun 27, 2018 by anonymous
//jQuery to wrap the first word of each paragraph with a <span> tag.
$(function() {
    $('#content p').each(function() {
        var text = this.innerHTML;
        var firstSpaceIndex = text.indexOf(" ");
        if (firstSpaceIndex > 0) {
            var substrBefore = text.substring(0,firstSpaceIndex);
            var substrAfter = text.substring(firstSpaceIndex, text.length)
            var newText = '<span class="firstWord">' + substrBefore + '</span>' + substrAfter;
            this.innerHTML = newText;
        } else {
            this.innerHTML = '<span class="firstWord">' + text + '</span>';
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