React - using state

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added May 17, 2019 in React by LC Marshal Captain (25,790 points)
edited May 17, 2019 by LC Marshal
//This exercise using state for condition 

class ResultsComponent extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      filedTenure: 'asc', 
      value: 0,
      message: 'default click state',
      // state declare here
 sortFieldTransaction = (fieldTransactionSort) => {
  const { sortTransaction } = this.context;
  let sortOrder = fieldTransactionSort;
  sortOrder = (sortOrder === 'desc') ? 'asc' : 'desc';
  sortTransaction('fieldtransactions', sortOrder);
    fieldTransactionSort: sortOrder,
    filedPrice: 'asc',
    filedProject: 'asc',
    filedTenure: 'asc',
    filedPsf: 'asc',
    // value for specific function state are vary
    activeCol: 'fieldTransactionSort',
sortFieldTenure = (filedTenure) => {
  const { sortTransaction } = this.context;
  let sortOrder = filedTenure;
  sortOrder = (sortOrder === 'desc') ? 'asc' : 'desc'
  sortTransaction('tenure', sortOrder);
    filedTenure: sortOrder,
    filedPsf: 'asc',
    filedProject: 'asc',
    filedPrice: 'asc',
    fieldTransactionSort: 'asc',
    // value for specific function state are vary
    activeCol: 'filedTenure',

render() {
  // declare activeCol variable value
  //it'll throw error if its not declare, ReferenceError: activeCol is not defined
  const { filedTenure, filedProject, filedPrice, activeCol } = this.state;
  return (
   <th className="sortField cat-results-col-2" onClick={ () => { this.sortFieldTenure (filedTenure)} } scope="col">
      <span className="sortField">Tenure / Type</span>
      //condition: if this th column active,shw the icon, else hide it
        (filedTenure == 'asc') ? (
          <img className={(activeCol==='filedTenure') ? "img-arrow" : "d-none" } height="10" src={arrowdownIcon} alt="down" />
        ) : (
          <img className={(activeCol==='filedTenure') ? "img-arrow" : "d-none" } height="10" src={arrowupIcon} alt="up" />
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