<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<div>{{ result }}</div>
result5Title = 'RM50K Loan | ' + y10 + ' years at RM682/mth' + ' | dividend= ' + x + '%' + ' | Interest rate= ' + kuwaitRate + '%',
result5a = 'Year 5 gross/loan = ' + (Math.round((kt5 - case50) + case50)).toLocaleString() + s + '-' + (Math.round(kuwait50Annual10y * y5)).toLocaleString(),
result5b = 'Year 10 gross/loan = ' + (Math.round(kt10)).toLocaleString() + s + '-' + (Math.round(kuwait50Annual10y * y10)).toLocaleString(),
result5c = 'Year 15 gross/loan = ' + (Math.round(kt15)).toLocaleString() + s + loan10,
result5d = 'Year 20 gross/loan = ' + (Math.round(kt20)).toLocaleString() + s + loan10,
result5e = 'Year 25 gross/loan = ' + (Math.round(kt25)).toLocaleString() + s + loan10;
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
//combined variables to be output
result: result5Title + '\n\n' + result5a + result5b + result5c + result5d + result5e,